Additional Registration Information
What Is Needed To Register?
First and last month's tuition equal to 1.5 months
Registration Fee: $30.00 or $40.00 for family
For your convenience, all accounts are set up in our auto-pay system.
Once registered, a student is enrolled for the entire August through May year. Tuition is based on a yearly fee for the total number of classes per year (32). Fees are due and payable in advance to Dancentre South in 9½ payments (due the first lesson of each month). Annual and bi-annual plans are available. See our withdrawal policy should withdrawal be necessary.
Monthly Tuition Rates
Based on number of hours taken each week per family.
45 minutes................... $58.00
1 hour .......................... $61.00
1.5 hours .................... $82.00
1.75 .............................. $95.00
2 ................................... $108.00
2.5 ................................ $129.00
2.75 .............................. $139.00
3 ................................... $146.00
4 .................................... $177.00
Contact us for rates for additional hours.
Company dancers receive additional discounts.
Registration fees are $30.00 per student, family rate of $40.00.
To register, the first and last month's tuition will be required, plus any registration fees.
A $20.00 late fee will be charged after the 10th of each month on tuition. A $30.00 fee will be charged on any returned checks.
Discounts for multiple classes also apply to members from the same family and are structured in our tuition schedule.
In the event of withdrawal, a written notice must be submitted 30 days in advance. If proper notice is not given, the May tuition payment will be forfeited. If costumes have not been ordered and a deposit has been made, the deposit may be applied toward the tuition.
No refunds are granted for classes not attended.
Costume Fees
Recital costumes are $85.00 each. Costume fees are non-refundable once orders have been placed. A $50.00 deposit per costume is due in October with the balance due in November. Costume fees are subject to change.
Recital Fee
The annual recital fee is $45.00 per student. Recital tickets may be purchased online and are $10.00 each.
All pricing is subject to change.