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Celebrating 27 Years

Woodstock & Hickory Flat

2019-2020 SEASON

Additional Registration Information

What Is Needed To Register?
  • First and last month's tuition equal to 1.5 months

  • Registration Fee: $30.00 or $40.00 for family


For your convenience, all accounts are set up in our auto-pay system.


Once registered, a student is enrolled for the entire August through May year. Tuition is based on a yearly fee for the total number of classes per year (32). Fees are due and payable in advance to Dancentre South in 9½ payments (due the first lesson of each month). Annual and bi-annual plans are available. See our withdrawal policy should withdrawal be necessary.

Monthly Tuition Rates

Based on number of hours taken each week per family.

45 minutes................... $58.00

1 hour .......................... $61.00
1.5 hours ....................  $82.00
1.75 ..............................  $95.00
2 ...................................  $108.00
2.5 ................................  $129.00
2.75 ..............................  $139.00
3 ...................................  $146.00

4 .................................... $177.00


Contact us for rates for additional hours.

Company dancers receive additional discounts.

  •  Registration fees are $30.00 per student, family rate of $40.00.


  •  To register, the first and last month's tuition will be required, plus any registration fees.


  •  A $20.00 late fee will be charged after the 10th of each month on tuition. A $30.00 fee will be charged on any returned checks.


  •  Discounts for multiple classes also apply to members from the same family and are structured in our tuition schedule.


  •  In the event of withdrawal, a written notice must be submitted 30 days in advance. If proper notice is not given, the May tuition payment will be forfeited. If costumes have not been ordered and a deposit has been made, the deposit may be applied toward the tuition.


  •  No refunds are granted for classes not attended.


Costume Fees

Recital costumes are $85.00 each.   Costume fees are non-refundable once orders have been placed.  A $50.00 deposit per costume is due in October with the balance due in November. Costume fees are subject to change.


Recital Fee

The annual recital fee is $45.00 per student. Recital tickets may be purchased online and are $10.00 each.

All pricing is subject to change.

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